Wednesday, September 25, 2013

If you've never seen an 81-year-old do crazy yoga poses...

This is my friend Santosh's grandpa.  He is a yoga master.  He started doing yoga 15 years ago.  He is now 81.

enjoy. :)


Is he not the cutest happiest little old man?  Yeah... some of these poses look simple, until you try them and find out that they are not.  Indian people never cease to amaze me...

So this week we went back to the Sikh temple to watch their worship services.  Here are a few pics...
 (we're making BYU with our hands... get it??)
(trying to look like I know indian dance poses... hahaha)

 these girls are kinda cool I guess.... I mean I guess I kinda like them... (chances are sarcasm just might be a large part of our daily conversation)

 (sorry Em, I had to. just be glad I didn't put up the others... bahaha)

One of my favorite people below [vvv] the sikh priest (with the yellow turban) such an incredibly humble, kind, and patient person... you can't help but feel something special while being in his presence.  Honestly one of the most Christ-like people I have ever been around

look at him!  he's just adorable ^^^


So after they fed us and we got to watch them play and sing, we all went outside and grouped together.  Of course nothing was in english and we had no idea what was going on......... this is what ended up happening: 

 yep! a protest.  So in case you didn't know, the state in which we are living is currently undergoing a split by the government.  The people don't want the state to split, so there are strikes and protests every day.  The sikhs of course just happened to decide to do one the day we visit!  They tried to hand us some of those flags and have us protest with them... as if we hadn't already gotten enough attention in the city for being white!!  We kindly declined and told them we weren't allowed to, haha

 it was fun though, and even funnier that all of the photographers took breaks from photographing the protest..... to photograph us. 

Their protest was much better than others we have seen.  Usually people crowd the streets and stop traffic, then force people to get out of their cars and autos and sit with them on the ground, haha.  Instead, they formed a big circle in this big junction and all held hands--symbolizing the unity that is desired within the state. 

We made it out safely... we kind of had to sneak out because we didn't want to offend any of the Sikhs who probably thought we were protesting with them (we told them we would just take photos instead of holding flags haha).  But remember all those photographers that also took photos of us?  Yes.... this was the result of that.....
 Yep.  Made it in the newspaper again.  Only by myself this time.  Don't worry, only like 10 people texted me, facebook messaged me, or told me in person that day that they saw me in the newspaper. HahahahaThe caption reads 'At Gurudwara Junction a foreign lady takes photos of protest'.  Oh India... you will forever be in my heart :) <3

P.s. we started dance classes today.  This is the type of dance we are learning.  Of course this lady is CRAZY good.... but still.  Be jealous. :) 

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