Saturday, August 10, 2013

I need to adopt an indian child

These last couple of days have kind of been a blur.  Maybe because I haven't blogged or written anything down!  All is well here in Vizag... we got to have a celebration for our cook Durgha the other day because she is pregnant and at 7 months they do a special ceremony.  We also went to a little festival with one of our translators Rajalakshmi yesterday at her sister's house... Fridays during this time of the year are dedicated to Lakshmi the goddess of wealth.  We listened to Raja sing and chant while her sister and sister's daughters did the rituals... very interesting!

Today was a sad day because Kelsey left.  The saddest part was seeing her and all of the staff cry as they said goodbye.  I don't ever want that day to come!!  On the bright side, at least I have a room now!  Haha.  I have been sleeping in the study for the last couple of nights since there are 4 of us here and only 3 real bedrooms.  Now that Kelsey is gone I will have her room.  We'll miss her a lot though.. she helped us out SO much our first couple of days here and she was really fun to be around!

Now that we have the first week pretty much over with, it's time to start cracking down and studying!  This week has been so nice to just get settled in, get used to living here, and get things organized.  Next week will be more of a real week with a schedule and everything. I'm excited to get things started!

Here are a few video-citos!  The cutest little indian boy in the world--Sidhu.  He is Durgha's 2 year old son.  I love him.  Also... do you hear that bird?? Yeah.  That's my alarm clock every morning.  Sure love it..... it's so... pleasant......... hahaha 

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